
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Class 1 / Week 10: Personality Walk (Blocking)

More walks!  For the Class 1 final assignment we had to do another walk but this time our goal was to do a walk with personality. Personally, this was my favorite assignment for the whole term and the week's lecture with Carlos Baena was awesome! Tons of content and tips on how to portray a character's personality through a walk. We also had to do research on walks, watch movies with characters with interesting walks and record our own reference. I've never had so much fun doing homework! Where else you get to watch movies and cartoons for reference and then record yourself acting stupid and walking like an idiot in front of the camera? Love it! I posted all the reference shots below that I used for my shot. Some of them are pretty silly! :) We also had to pose STU depicting "exhaustion". The pose I did pretty much portrays how I felt by then end of Class 1! hahaha

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