
Monday, August 6, 2012

AM Class 1 / Week 3: Bouncing Ball

Another late post! GEEZ! I'll be posting my other assignments and other tips soon. I don't remember being this busy with life and school but I'm doing my best to keep with the blog.

This week's assignment was all about the bouncing ball, planning the animation and observing reference material. We also had to sketch different poses of a human character communication "Excitement" then choosing one to pose with STU. Which by the way, it was one of the the most challenging assignments I've ever gotten to date and YES, even through my early days of art school. Getting emotion out of a lifeless character with no face is incredibly challenging! I think I did over 15 revision before going into the final one. Not to mention the later revision after my mentor's critique. :)

The bouncing ball is one of the most important assignment as you learn animation. There's so much information that goes on with the bouncing ball and as an animation student it's super important to understand it. Learning the mechanics of how a bouncing ball moves and reacts to gravity, along with the ball's density(weight) and momentum is key to understanding how animation works. For this particular assignment we had to animate the bouncing ball with the weight and bounce of a Basketball or Soccer Ball. You'll begin to see in my later posts how all my assignments relate back to the concept of the bouncing ball. That's it for now! Hope you guys like it. :)

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