
Monday, April 23, 2012

Session 1: MAYA BASICS Tips & Tricks

Geometry Selection:

Toggle between Items:  ctrl + shift
Add Selection or Deselect: shift

Increase Size of Manipulator: - / + keys

*The bigger the size of the manipulator, the more sensitive it is to value changes. Adds greater control for precise value inputs.

Input Channel HotKeys:

Change value: middle mouse drag
Slows down value: ctrl / middle mouse drag
Speeds up value change: shift middle mouse drag

Manipulator Tip:

Non uniform Scale

ctrl-click on scale axis: scales in the other 2 axes.

Non uniform Scale and Move

ctrl-click on translate axis: only translate in the other 2 axes
*notice how the yellow box in the center of translate manipulator changes shape

ctrl-click center: go back to translate along view plane

Snapping Tools:

*Grid: x
*Curves: c
*Vertices: v

*middle mouse click for free move
*works with pivot points

Insert Key or Home Key (Mac): activate / deactivate pivot point

Change viewport background color: alt+b

Hope it helps! :)
- Jose

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